One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Problem: Affected Emotion Seems Off » 2019-11-27 19:34:10

Maybe the child should be sitting if you place them down?

#2 Re: News » Update: Family Specialty » 2019-11-20 00:50:21

Jason, what does it mean, now that Genetic Fitness (GF) can go infinitely in both directions?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Idea to reduce food waste and make "big foods" more beneficial » 2019-11-06 21:34:13

What if genetic fitness affected the amount of hunger pips you would gain?
Genetic Fitness of 0, you get the classic 20.
Genetic Fitness of 60, you get twice as many, or 40.

#6 Main Forum » Literally the trailer, only in words. » 2019-11-02 22:09:29

Angel Carrillo
Replies: 0

Hello there, I'm Jason Rohrer. Well, at least this is what I look like inside my new game, One Hour, One Life. Yup, this is it. We're live inside the game, right now. Actually, this is my modern home office. Civilisation in the game hasn't gotten this quite advanced yet. Maybe someday though. Did you see that? I just got older again. A whole year passes every minute, and we live a entire lifetime, from birth to old age, in just one hour. We better get on with this tour, before my time runs out. Everything you see here runs on a persistent server. It starts out full of untouched wilderness, and it's up to us - the players - to rebuild civilisation from scratch together. I think she's coming. That's Eve, the first player to join the server. And the second player should be joining right about now. Yep, that's player two, Eve's first baby. When you join the server as a baby, you're truly helpless. You depend on care from your parents in order to survive. If they help you live into adulthood, you have a chance to have babies of your own someday. And your babies will be other players who are depending on you for their survival. You're just one small link in a very long chain. What you accomplish during your brief lifetime will depend on the situation you're born into. At first, your contribution might be pretty basic. But future generations can build on the foundation that you helped to create. Hopefully, you get a chance to make your own small mark on the world before you die. And maybe create something that helps your children and grandchildren. But really, all of  this, is just the beginning. As players continue climbing up through the tech tree, I'll be staying one step ahead of them by adding new stuff to the game every week. So I hope you'll join me, as this crazy game unfolds. I may even spawn as your baby at some point, and it'll be up to you to take care of me. As we rebuild civilisation together, who knows where we'll end up.

               YOU  DIED

            AGE: 40 YEARS


[QUIT]                              [GET REBORN]





I am the atomic powered robot. Please give my best wishes to everybody.

#7 Main Forum » Literally the trailer, only in words. » 2019-11-02 22:08:27

Angel Carrillo
Replies: 0

Hello there, I'm Jason Rohrer. Well, at least this is what I look like inside my new game, One Hour, One Life. Yup, this is it. We're live inside the game, right now. Actually, this is my modern home office. Civilisation in the game hasn't gotten this quite advanced yet. Maybe someday though. Did you see that? I just got older again. A whole year passes every minute, and we live a entire lifetime, from birth to old age, in just one hour. We better get on with this tour, before my time runs out. Everything you see here runs on a persistent server. It starts out full of untouched wilderness, and it's up to us - the players - to rebuild civilisation from scratch together. I think she's coming. That's Eve, the first player to join the server. And the second player should be joining right about now. Yep, that's player two, Eve's first baby. When you join the server as a baby, you're truly helpless. You depend on care from your parents in order to survive. If they help you live into adulthood, you might have a chance to have babies of your own someday. And your babies will be other players who are depending on you for their survival. You're just one small link in a very long chain. What you accomplish during your brief lifetime will depend on the situation you're born into. At first, your contribution might be pretty basic. But future generations can build on the foundation that you helped to create. Hopefully, you get a chance to make your own small mark on the world before you die. And maybe create something that helps your children and grandchildren. But really, all of  this, is just the beginning. As players continue climbing up through the tech tree, I'll be staying one step ahead of them by adding new stuff to the game every week. So I hope you'll join me, as this crazy game unfolds. I may even spawn as your baby at some point, and it'll be up to you to take care of me. As we rebuild civilisation together, who knows where we'll end up.

               YOU  DIED

            AGE: 40 YEARS


[QUIT]                              [GET REBORN]





I am the atomic powered robot. Please give my best wishes to everybody.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for genetic fitness » 2019-10-31 18:56:57

My question is, how can we make genetic fitness more important?

#9 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for genetic fitness » 2019-10-30 21:00:51

There shouldn't be a benefit to a low genetic score, it should be a bad thing though.
Longer lifespan could mean you could do more and be young for longer.
I think it's a problem though that you can just kill yourself to get rid of the problem related with losing speed. (Being unable to do as much.)

#10 Main Forum » Ideas for genetic fitness » 2019-10-30 20:41:17

Angel Carrillo
Replies: 7

Let me just throw this out here, alright? Here are some ideas I have to make genetic fitness more important.
1. Make it impact lifespan (higher score makes you live longer than 60, lower genetic score (below zero, I'll get to that later) makes your lifespan shorter.)
2. Allow the genetic score to go below zero, as low as -60.
3. A lower genetic score can cause birth defects (these aren't procedural, and at first, you could start with simple ones, like blindness at birth and being unable to speak.)
4. Baldness is not affected by genetic score. You don't have to make a different variation of the same character that doesn't go bald.
5. A genetic score above 0 will cause your head to start drooping down later on in life (genetic score of 20 prevents your head from drooping down altogether.)
6. A genetic score below 0 will cause your head to start drooping down earlier (the earliest your head can start drooping down is 30. And you'll reach that point if you have a genetic score of -10.)
7. Birth defects will start happening to you at genetic score -15
8. This is just an idea that may not happen, but make different character variations that lose hair color later on in life and age better (in terms of appearance) that you get if you have a higher genetic score. Likewise, make different character variations that age worse in terms of appearance if you have a lower genetic score.
9. A higher genetic score makes you speedier (up to 1.8 x faster than normal.) Also it will make you lose speed later on, and eventually make you not lose speed.
10. A lower genetic score makes you slower (as low as 0.7 x normal speed) and you will lose speed as early as 35
11. If you have a genetic score of 60 for example, you will be able to say 10 characters at birth (talking babies lol), and be able to say 70 characters (max) at 25.
12. A lower genetic score makes you gain more characters to say later on. Max remains the same.
13. Speed in your youth is affected by genetic score, you'll be slower if your genetic score is lower, and you'll be speedier if your genetic score is higher. Also the speed boost happens earlier with a higher score and later with a lower score.
Those are just my ideas, add your own, improve on mine, criticize. And Jason, please add your opinion. I'd like to know.

#12 Re: Main Forum » "Previous arc lasted 62 years" » 2019-10-16 19:02:06

Pein, Babypocalypse 2.0. That was an insane amount of babies!

#15 Re: Main Forum » New Idea: Guard Dog » 2019-09-21 22:34:54

Chewing up snakeskin boots and rabbits shoes as well. Just chewing up shoes in general.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Show all character changes here » 2019-09-20 21:24:34

I got it again and it worked, for some reason it wasn't earlier.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Short lived victory » 2019-09-20 20:12:03

Before making kerosene, the arc was going to end.

#18 Main Forum » ~ Male014 A » 2019-09-07 14:05:37

Angel Carrillo
Replies: 0

What was going on there? Added a new character appearance change?

#19 Re: Main Forum » Hungry Work is one of the best things ever added to the game » 2019-09-06 19:11:51

Well, Jason, maybe you can add a special kind of firewood and kindling that comes from pine trees.

#20 Re: Main Forum » The Rift and this end condition are unbelievably toxic » 2019-09-04 23:04:13

I got an idea! Try building, to maybe make yourself happier.

#21 Re: Main Forum » A life with murder and a happy ending » 2019-09-04 19:07:27

I was a Morsell too. I noticed lots of stone walls and a small amount that were ancient. I was Joel Morsell, if you want to look me up. (My mom was Ward Morsell)

#22 Re: Main Forum » Regarding new character model - Before it’s too late » 2019-09-03 21:08:43

Note: I screwed up earlier, A is the darkest skin tone, not D

#23 Re: Main Forum » Cursor issue » 2019-09-02 20:29:32

Wait, so is that why I couldn't see my mouse cursor?

#24 Re: Main Forum » owo » 2019-09-02 19:32:14

"Also is it possible to have no hair on your head as a regular thing? It’s somehow odd, looking at this guy." If you have alopecia you can be bald.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Sorry, what is 2HOL? » 2019-09-02 15:55:39

Yeah, I was talking about the characters appearance over time.

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