One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-13 18:18:31

I like roleplaying too and deaths are part of that, actually, deaths are part of the game, accept that, stop trying to force making the game what you want it to be, because there are people actually enjoying what the game has become and you are not more important than these people, if you don't like what the game is now you have the right to complain, of course, but please don't try to make it look like people who like death are douchebags, they paid for the game too and they have the right to play the way they want using what the game provides, it's not cheat. And those killed, do as i do,  just accept, thats how the game works, sometimes i don't like it too, but it is only a game, stop crying and start another life or leave it and do something good in your real life. Im really tired of this community. Good luck, im leaving the game.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Please, read my suggestion. » 2019-06-13 22:25:36

TofuInjection wrote:

If I stun and imprison a griefer, the griefer will alt-f4 and get into a new game.  Same as if I had killed them

Well, you don't actually die if you leave the game, unless they have changed how it works, but what happens is that your character keeps there til he starves, but if the prisoner wouldn't starve like an effect of being traped he would have to wait until death of old age to begin another life.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Bell tower murder » 2019-06-13 19:08:44

I was a proud Stark, when I was 8 I witnessed the murder of a ginger and and I was taught they killed many of us. Now i don't know who are the true bad ones. Sad world. Is there evil or just sides?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Encouraging monarchs » 2019-05-28 21:09:26

DestinyCall wrote:

I think most villages would benifit more by having a job board, rather than a monarch.   Some random dude running around with a crown on his head is useless to me.   But having a way to collect and distibute information on the current state of the village and what needs to be done?   That is priceless.

People could post projects that they are working on and jobs that they are doing or jobs that need to get done.    New players could check the board and get to work on something they understand.  Experienced players could tackle the longterm or more challenging jobs.   Better organization and cross-generational communication would be great.

I don't need a bad leader demanding that I follow his silly rules.   I need a place to post job information that does not clutter up the village with indestructible paper.

I said the exact same thing in another topic, it would be like quests, since there is a lot of motivational problems in the game, quests would be cool. We could use this board to post rules, laws, all kind of information.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Please, read my suggestion. » 2019-05-28 18:13:50

Spoonwood wrote:

I like your line of thinking Destiny.  Maybe a long shaft could knock a weapon out of someone's hand, but it only works on a weapon, it won't work on a hoe for example.

That's really good too, but you would have to be fast and grab the weapon first from the ground to stop the fight.

Edit: Besides, if you try to kill the griefer he could do the same with the long shaft, and i think the fight would last more than we wish. I don't know man, its almost impossble to think about something griefers couldn't use against good players.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Please, read my suggestion. » 2019-05-28 18:08:40

SpiritBomb32 wrote:

I think that one of the hardest way of developing new things to combat griefers is how the griefers would use that on others.

Exactly, that's the main question. I think we could improve my net idea in that way. Besides i think players should fear something. Fear of death in the game its nothing, you die and starts over. What makes us follow the rules is the fear. What if you couldnt move for the rest of your life? thats what i purposed with the net

#8 Re: Main Forum » I’m tired of the constant bickering and murders » 2019-05-28 17:31:50

I feel you. As i said in the other topic i've been killed because i did a devious face as baby, wtf. People are so afraid about griefers that they are killing everyone, doing exactly what griefers want, people are being killed like sheeps. i don't blame the swords, i might be naive, its something about the human behave and the fear that bothers me. Some eves are actually good, but nobody stop to see that...

#9 Re: Main Forum » Please, read my suggestion. » 2019-05-28 15:43:55

RodneyC86 wrote:

Honestly I think that’s too much of an effect, imagine if you are out on an errand and an eve manage to net you down. And the village is so far no one can rescue you.i agree this will stop griefers some bit but I think if even one innocent player has to go through pretty much but only stare at a screen with your character trapped is too much.

Ok, I agree innocent players would go through this and it would be really frustrating, but I truly believe the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. But yeah, I can't prove unless we test in game. Besides your idea is good too, If people were interested we could find a better solution.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Please, read my suggestion. » 2019-05-28 15:10:18

Booklat1 wrote:

because this isnt real life, death = respawn

I'd rather die than get stuck with a bunch of noobs and nets.

You guys have been playing for a short while so pretty please, do as Jason should and start paying attention to when the community says something will turn terrible.

We knew cooldownless swords were insanity, fences useless and we also know locking down people makes them feel terrible.  They'll stay sometimes for the hope of being released, but griefers have 0 need to wait, they'll die if not fed and respawn. If a mechanic made to punish griefers hits normal players its not working so well.

i disagree with you, every weapon against griefers can be used against good players, unless we had GMs, but i don't think that's the purpose of the game.

You would be stuck only if the entire village wants you to be. And as i said, it is impossible to completely eliminate risks.

And even if griefers are willing to wait an entire life to griefer again (as i said they wouldn't starve while traped) the violence in the game would reduce for the time they were traped.

And im not new in the game, but started using the forum recently. Don't underestimate the new players, they may have really good ideas.

#11 Main Forum » Please, read my suggestion. » 2019-05-28 12:15:02

Replies: 20

I would like to say i've seen too much hate in the game, i've been killed because i did a devious face as baby, wtf. People are so afraid about griefers that they are killing everyone, doing exactly what griefers want, eves are being killed like sheeps. We have two choices, TRY to live in multicultural society as we once had, accepting our different languages, trying to learn with each other... or make swords and kill ourselves. Usually people choose the easiest decision taken by fear, and the ones turning this game in a bloody pool are ourselves.

Here is what i suggest

I've seen people talking about making prisons and people being killed unjustly, what if we could use the nets to arrest people? Once you throw the net on someone he or she wouldn't move, wouldn't starve and wouldn't have children, that could stop griefers and wouldn't allow them to simply die and grief another town and could stop people from being killed unjustly, since you are traped you can be judged. So you might say "but griefers could use the nets too", yeah, but that wouldn't kill you and someone from the village could simply free you. Or you might say "well, another griefer could simply free the traped griefer", yes, thats right, but being a student of risk management i can say it is impossible to completely eliminate risks, but it's possible to soften them. I think it's a fair solution and easier than make prisons.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Let's talk about communication and human relations » 2019-05-26 16:29:21

Keyin wrote:


But yeah, I know the point of this topic is about establishing better communication and relationships... but the main point of the second suggestion is that you cannot have authority over something without power over it. Right now, a king may have authority over his kingdom, but he has very little power over it, because the only way to stop someone from doing something is to kill them. And there isn't much stopping them from killing you? All it takes is a teen with a knife to run up to you to end your rule.. the grappling system would allow a non-lethal method of enforcement, and provide people a better chance of surviving a knife attack.

Actually what you've said it's exactly what I was looking for, I totally agree we need a system that allows authority, that's a really good point, I support you.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Ideas to start in-game trade » 2019-05-26 15:31:40

That's a great idea. This would make properties useful again, I mean, you need a place to keep your stuff and if you buy a hoe you don't want to plant berries for everyone, only for yourself and your children. You have to think how to not let village dies since everyone would work only for themselves. There must be a motivation to still work for the village.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Let's talk about communication and human relations » 2019-05-26 15:27:56

futurebird wrote:

I've been pushing for books for a long time... … ore_books/

Yeah, Ive seen you talking about books and I support that. I would write lots of books.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Let's talk about communication and human relations » 2019-05-26 15:26:24

lychee wrote:

I am interested too!

Music/art/ritual tech plays a big role in history, and they are strongly underreppresented in the current game. It would be cool if there were reasons or incentives to do these things. A few ideas have been tossed --

A) Fertility rituals (make an altar for a small fertility boost)

B) Songs can be used to transfer knowledge/teaching

C) Stone engravings/chisels are a more lasting form of recording something

Yeah, msucial instruments would be great and write songs about history and wars and heros would be really nice. Think about arriving in a city and listen to a bard singing and playing. I would enjoy.

#17 Main Forum » Let's talk about communication and human relations » 2019-05-26 14:52:41

Replies: 6

I've been trying to write something about this topic because I think it would be great to have new mechanisms to improve human relations and communication.

First of all, books. People always talk about it and I agree, it's kind of frustrating to explore the lands, or to live a great life and can't register much of that or can't teach something to the next generations like locations, translations, etc, while papers are used only as notes and it's really hard to write a long text and keep it organized for a long time.

Next idea. What if we could build a mural or something to post notes with rules, laws, things to do or to finish (like quests for other players), statements, etc. Usually papers are a mess and after a while people actually don't care about what is written. I think if we had murals people would care more about what is written in there. Besides I've seen people letting notes asking someone to finish something, soon the paper is lost and nobody actually finishs the stuff.

Leadership. What if we had mechanisms to really implement leadership. I mean, we have Kings and queens in the villages, but usually people don't care if you have a crown and it's calling everyone a peasant, it's not legitm, there is no mechanism to make it legitm and make it work as it should be. In the end everyone has a crown and everyone is a royal and being a king loose it's meaning. Leadership could even improve relations between towns and make trades a real thing in the game.

Well, these are some ideas I have, but I think we could discuss more about how to improve human relations and communication in the game. Tell something if you are interested in the topic.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Fog of War » 2019-05-26 13:21:13

Guppy wrote:

Wouldnt we need some kind of minimap for this? Or a craftable map at least.

I agree, since we have paper in the game maps would be good. It's kind of frustrating to explore the lands and can't register anything.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Lychee's Mega Suggestion Thread (On Trade, Technology, and More) » 2019-05-17 17:12:17

jasonrohrer wrote:

There's trade happening right in my town.

Not sure why everyone is so focused on long-distance trade, New York to London or whatever.

I'm going strawberry picking on Saturday with my kids, and I don't grow strawberries myself...  $12 per gallon bucket.

I could grow strawberries myself, but I'm busy making video games.

Property update proved that trades inside the town are not welcome, people in general wants stuff inside the village to be shared, i don't agree with this, but the majority want to be like this, once they see something inside a property they complain that the village needs that even if the owner made all by himself.

So trades only works between towns

#20 Re: Main Forum » For all the Waters killed - Waters town is safe!!! » 2019-05-17 02:13:02

LostAlice wrote:

Were you the granddaughter that wanted to come with me and go exploring?

Yeah haha smile

LostAlice wrote:

PS: The second raider Love Aaberg basically said she did it cause of the sword update but a griefer is still a griefer raider or not.

That is a sad reason to kill, but I can't complain, I had a real good life and I have a real good story because of her

#21 Re: Main Forum » lets talk in our OWN LANGUAGE! will be so much FUUUN! ich mach deutsch » 2019-05-16 21:49:44

Caralho, tem muito brasileiro aqui kkkkkkkk vou começar a falar português no jogo pra ver se acho vocês

#22 Main Forum » For all the Waters killed - Waters town is safe!!! » 2019-05-16 20:01:40

Replies: 5

I was Bless Waters today, a little and happy girl in a happy village, we had puppies, berries, clothes, pies and everything a little girl needs, but one day...

i was playing with the puppies and one of them escaped from the pen and i said "Oh no", but i was naive, i didn't know bigger problems were coming. Suddenly my sister comes screaming "DANGER!" and i listen screams of pain, then i see my grandmother, she is hurt, she said "RUN, RUN BLESS, AND NEVER COME BACK!!!", then my mother was hurt, "omg, why? why is this happening? why is everybody dying?"
A woman called Love Aaberg V was killing everybody with swords and taking our swords. But i didn't want to leave my beloved town. I waited for the best moment and stabbed her, but then i was the last Waters.
For all the Waters out there, i had many children, town is safe now, I feel like a hero and this is good, i had a great life.

PS: The killer then spawned as my child lol don't know if town will last much … id=4480337 … id=4480337

#23 Re: Main Forum » Hotfix incoming » 2019-05-16 12:08:10

threudorf wrote:

no i didnt misunderstand it.

its the time when you cant tell a stranger, that she s near your town.

or: when all your familie is killed, because stranger!

or: you dont want to follow the belltower... because stranger.

i mean communication is allready frustrating... and the update makes all worse...

there are allready enough griefers, i dont need racists too!
+i dont want to learn an other language (that will die in some hours), english is allready hard enough. im doomed to stay at my family, no matter if they are stupid or not.
...or be an eremit.... (yes i can survive by my own, but its borring)

technologie is going down... why even build a reciver...
instead eve-camps are poping out and dieing... no iron... and so on...
so a ohol-life becomes even more meaningless... jason was discussing the baby-die-problem. for me its no problem. i just dont care, if my babys ceep dieing anymore...

the baby-hotfix makes the bad a little bit less worse... but an adult can learn a language in some years. so its a stupid game-feature.

by the way: you are twisted from youtube, right? because of your lets-plays i bought this game.
it looked like fun + differtent + ubuntu=means everything for everyone...
i was thinking about making my own lets-plays (in my own language), but now i dont recommend this game anymore.
i miss this part "This game is about playing one small part in a much larger story." and "...players are collectively conducting an enormous project..."... neverending dieing eve-camps and griefing strangers are no story... thats just irritating!

You are being unfair, not only you have to learn a strange language that will die in a few hours, it's everyone, and english has nothing to do with this, if you have difficulty with english i feel sorry man, i really do, thats not my mother tongue too, but the players are not enough to have servers in every country or to have villages separeted by same language speakers. I respect you don't like it, you are free for that, but take it easy

#24 Re: Main Forum » lets talk in our OWN LANGUAGE! will be so much FUUUN! ich mach deutsch » 2019-05-16 11:43:52

Eu realmente gosto da nova atualização de línguas, mas devo concordar que seria interessante ter vilas separadas por falantes da mesma lingua, me pergunto se existem brasileiros o suficiente para isso kkkkkkk

PS: O problema não é o jogo, o problema é o teu inglês, sinto muito.

#25 Re: Main Forum » What if we force Eve to get real... » 2019-05-15 20:09:31

Buggy wrote:

Or as suggested before a way to make dirt paths (which decay) that you can just lay flat stones on to make more permanent roads.

I like that. i also can think of something like in the Hansel and Gretel tale. We could make a road of leafs or some specific new object to mark a path (which decay) and people can't mess with it. But now i think eves would just find these paths and go live in a big town

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