One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-04-18 06:54:16

Registered: 2019-03-09
Posts: 193

Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

I didn’t get a refund due to the fact that I have played this game for multiple hours and getting a refund at this point will be morally unethical. As I have stated I have multiple accounts and I could use one to greif if I want. Whatever someone says Jason has made an amazing game that I once loved and spent hours and hours into and got more then my moneys worth. This has led me to make the omniscient descision that I’ll not get a refund for my accounts as that is essentially robbing a man with a family.

Last edited by Toxic (2020-04-18 06:59:59)


#2 2020-04-18 08:53:23

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Too bad, you are a terrible person. Would be better if you were gone.

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
Mini guide for beginners
website with all recipies


#3 2020-04-18 09:39:42

Registered: 2019-03-04
Posts: 50

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Toxic wrote:

[blah blah.] This has led me to make the omniscient descision that I’ll not get a refund for my accounts as that is essentially robbing a man with a family.

It's not robbery because he wanted to give you refund.

What about stealing Jasons time? Have you considered that issue?

I'm an expert for: Sharp Stones


#4 2020-04-18 14:22:38

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.


I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#5 2020-04-18 14:26:07

Registered: 2018-04-24
Posts: 269

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

st2019 wrote:
Toxic wrote:

[blah blah.] This has led me to make the omniscient descision that I’ll not get a refund for my accounts as that is essentially robbing a man with a family.

It's not robbery because he wanted to give you refund.

What about stealing Jasons time? Have you considered that issue?

  I believe he was saying asking for all that money back from his multiple accounts would be robbing Jason and his family....

Check this out upvote if you agree!!! … heck_this/


#6 2020-04-18 16:40:19

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Rich boi don't complain livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2020-04-18 16:45:19

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 371

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Toxic wrote:

I didn’t get a refund due to the fact that I have played this game for multiple hours and getting a refund at this point will be morally unethical. As I have stated I have multiple accounts and I could use one to greif if I want. Whatever someone says Jason has made an amazing game that I once loved and spent hours and hours into and got more then my moneys worth. This has led me to make the omniscient descision that I’ll not get a refund for my accounts as that is essentially robbing a man with a family.

I think at this rate he wouldnt mind paying the 80 bucks to get rid of you /s. In all seriousness though the game will get better, its a matter of sticking around long enough, i cant tell you how many games i first started playing and were like "this games hot garbage" only for the game to get better after a couple months. No Man's Sky, For Honor, Planetside 2, Deep Rock Galactic, all of these games ive watched grow over the years and come to find that if a developer truly cares about the work they put into their game, it will get better, bumpy roads or not.

1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.


#8 2020-04-18 16:57:56

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Crumpaloo wrote:
Toxic wrote:

I didn’t get a refund due to the fact that I have played this game for multiple hours and getting a refund at this point will be morally unethical. As I have stated I have multiple accounts and I could use one to greif if I want. Whatever someone says Jason has made an amazing game that I once loved and spent hours and hours into and got more then my moneys worth. This has led me to make the omniscient descision that I’ll not get a refund for my accounts as that is essentially robbing a man with a family.

I think at this rate he wouldnt mind paying the 80 bucks to get rid of you /s. In all seriousness though the game will get better, its a matter of sticking around long enough, i cant tell you how many games i first started playing and were like "this games hot garbage" only for the game to get better after a couple months. No Man's Sky, For Honor, Planetside 2, Deep Rock Galactic, all of these games ive watched grow over the years and come to find that if a developer truly cares about the work they put into their game, it will get better, bumpy roads or not.

The games you mentioned got developed by teams of people, not by one person working by their own self, who could care less that people with distinct preferences and minds exist.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#9 2020-04-18 17:58:33

Don Holm
Registered: 2019-05-29
Posts: 63

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Thank you toxic for informing us about this important decision that everyone needs to know and care about
That is your daily attention dose you're welcome.


#10 2020-04-18 19:35:33

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Crumpaloo wrote:

In all seriousness though the game will get better, its a matter of sticking around long enough, i cant tell you how many games i first started playing and were like "this games hot garbage" only for the game to get better after a couple months. No Man's Sky, For Honor, Planetside 2, Deep Rock Galactic, all of these games ive watched grow over the years and come to find that if a developer truly cares about the work they put into their game, it will get better, bumpy roads or not.

I wish I still had your optimism, Crumpaloo.   

When I first started playing this game, I was blown away by the concept and by the potential.   I was so excited to watch it grow and improve.    But after over a year of watching the game's development and learning more about Jason's design goals and seeing what he has learned from past updates, I've pretty much accepted that the game I imagined OHOL could become some day will never exist, because Jason will never make that game on purpose.     

Jason likes race restrictions. He likes property fences.  He likes griefing.   He likes the current state of scarcity and starvation and rapid cycling villages.   He wants more of that sort of thing, because he thinks it is more "interesting" and "crunchy" than largescale civilization building and role-play. He hasn't found a solution for late-game stagnation that doesn't involve killing us all before we reach the end of the tech tree, but even worse he doesn't see why that might be a problem.   

You can expect more changes that limit options and force the playerbase into a narrow "optimal" path in the future, because Jason likes what he is seeing right now and wants to see more of the same.   He wants every inch of progress to be paid for dearly, so we all pat ourselves on the back when we survive long enough to install our first deep well and rarely manage to fight our way out of the trenches long enough to complain about the unresolved problems with long-term city management.   

Maybe I am being too pessimist.  Jason's goals could shift again.   Or he could stumble upon an amazing mechanic by accident while trying to accomplish something else entirely.    Maybe we will get an even better version of OHOL than I can imagine.   It could happen.     But at this point, I wouldn't count on it.


#11 2020-04-18 20:18:46

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

DestinyCall wrote:

Jason likes race restrictions. He likes property fences.  He likes griefing.   He likes the current state of scarcity and starvation and rapid cycling villages.   He wants more of that sort of thing, because he thinks it is more "interesting" and "crunchy" than largescale civilization building and role-play. He hasn't found a solution for late-game stagnation that doesn't involve killing us all before we reach the end of the tech tree, but even worse he doesn't see why that might be a problem.   

You can expect more changes that limit options and force the playerbase into a narrow "optimal" path in the future, because Jason likes what he is seeing right now and wants to see more of the same.   He wants every inch of progress to be paid for dearly, so we all pat ourselves on the back when we survive long enough to install our first deep well and rarely manage to fight our way out of the trenches long enough to complain about the unresolved problems with long-term city management.

I don't even think Jason intends to make ohol a grind it or die game, he's mentioned before how that gets boring fast. Even I who actually likes grinding a lot, specially iron, don't think the game should be just about that.

What truly kills it is how often the matter of "x needs to be rebalanced/redesigned" gets simplified to either nerf it/ scratch it and add some new mechanic to spice it up. The game is currently a mess of weird mechanics confusing to old and new players alike. It was once supposed to be a simulations with heavy elements of survival and gameplay but it's survival is extremely repetitive and it's role play is forced upon us. Race restrictions are shit not only because of how racist that very idea is but because they're made to fix a problem that doesn't exist with a solution that doesn't work. Jason needs to keep forgetting about base game mechanics in favor of """""spicy"""" new ones.

I've been saying it for a while now, but why would we expect to see architecture develop if buildings are not needed to survival and hard-ish to achieve as roleplay? Why would we live in the desert if little tech benefits us for doing it and there are not even interesting stuff to do there? And why play a game that removes content from our gameplay loop explicit after Jason mentioned how in his conversation with richard garfield he was advised not to do so? It's Jason's game, but he is as much out of it as I currently am and that is really a big problem. The game isn't just unbalanced, we're waaay past that, it's boring and messy.


#12 2020-04-18 21:44:12

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

Crumpaloo wrote:

I think at this rate he wouldnt mind paying the 80 bucks to get rid of you /s.

Jason wants people to kill each other, have wars and fight for territory and resources.
Just so, when nothing wholesome is left of the game, but the rare player still telling their children they love them, and the occasional new person that walks into a war game, thinking that they bought a 'parenting & survival', asking people to "Give peace a chance." He can then say, in interviews at art houses "The players had the Garden of Eden, and THEY ruined it. It just goes to show how greedy people are." Meanwhile he's made 60% of all the money the game generates, Steam has made 10%, Twisted, WBSteve, Drae and all other video channels make 10%, and the Chinese farmers who sell engines in game for 99 cents each, and iron for a penny a piece, among other resources and items, take 20% of all money the game ever encourages people to exchange.

Yeah, Jason wants war. Otherwise he'll feel bad when he adds tanks and bombers to the game that we never build, because we're not smart enough to kill ourselves.

Dear World, be careful trusting anyone who lived through the "Cold War" in the United States.
In that time, war was romanticized by the US in Hollywood, television and on the news.
Soldiers were praised like Kings, military weapons engineers (mostly nuclear weapons) were in high demand and every smart kid was told the smartest people in the world worked for the FBI, the CIA and the NSA. We were all highly influenced by the media at that time. It really was 1984, in the US and in every country that Big Brother made think needed his Big Arms to watch over them.

I don't doubt it was much the same for the USSR and for all the countries they tried to muscle for lunch money, but yes, our Big Brother intimidated their Big Brother and for a decade, the US was lauded as the toughest kid on the block and has spent the last 20 years, wiping out sand people that the Russians had deals with.

The world, was a shit show, but not everyone bought into it 100%.
Not everyone, fell for it all.

But some people did waver.
A lot of people, wavered, between talking to their girlfriends like they wanted peace, so they could get laid, and talking to their guy friends, like war was necessary, so they didn't seem weak.

Sure, you can probably dig through any country's history and find similar stories, stories going back thousands of years of the same thing, but that is now why the world is full of war movies, combat games and every manner of justification for the old adage "Might makes Right" and all the counter arguments for it, from all the types of people you'd imagine.


This game, started as something beautiful though. Something more fundamentally basic, than all that. You were just a mother, trying to feed yourself, to feed your kid, so you, and they, could live.

That's it.

That, is the essence of life. Not war or power, oil or guns, just, LIVE and REPRODUCE.

Don't ever let Jason get away with devaluing those things.

Don't ever let him forget. Don't let him mangle, the beauty of THEM, like an abused pit bull.


Some of US, are, abused pit bulls.
We, are like, abused pit bulls.
But we are still human beings.

May you all, never run out, of people to love.


#13 2020-04-20 16:23:59

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

I stand by a universal, no-questions asked refund policy for anyone and everyone, no matter how long they've had the game, or how much they played.

I have sent refunds to a few people who have 400+ hours in the past.

When the "infinite carrots" were fixed a few years ago, someone emailed me about how I had totally ruined the game, and they demanded a refund, even though they had 200+ hours, which was a lot, given how long the game had been out.  I sent them a refund right away.  Then the next day, they changed their mind and wanted their account back, but it was too late.


#14 2020-04-20 20:34:50

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: Why I declined to get a refund Jason.

jasonrohrer wrote:

I stand by a universal, no-questions asked refund policy for anyone and everyone, no matter how long they've had the game, or how much they played.

I have sent refunds to a few people who have 400+ hours in the past.

When the "infinite carrots" were fixed a few years ago, someone emailed me about how I had totally ruined the game, and they demanded a refund, even though they had 200+ hours, which was a lot, given how long the game had been out.  I sent them a refund right away.  Then the next day, they changed their mind and wanted their account back, but it was too late.

Kinda curious on this, because Spoonwood asked this on another thread, but how much do Steam players receive if they were to ask for a refund. Do you just give them your share from the initial sale, or do you refund them the entire amount they purchased it for on Steam. Not looking for a refund btw, even if I decide to completely drop the game later on, I've more than gotten my money's worth.

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


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